New Jersey Liquor Licenses
Licensing Solutions, Inc. can help you throughout the process of obtaining your Plenary Retail Consumption License in the state of New Jersey. The New Jersey Division of ABC (Alcoholic Beverage Control) regulates all of the sales of alcoholic beverages and the conduct of those who purchase liquor licenses. Owners of liquor licenses are then granted the privilege of operating a business or establishment within the...
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Pennsylvania Liquor Licenses
Licensing Solutions, Inc. helps restaurant owners navigate the requirements and guidelines set by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board. The board provides liquor licenses to over 20,000 businesses within the commonwealth. The PLCB also personally oversees and operates all of the Wine and Spirits stores in Pennsylvania, thus no “Liquor Store Only” licenses are offered. The Restaurant class liquor license is the most prevalent within Pennsylvania...
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Florida Liquor Licenses
To meet the needs of its business owners and the public, the state of Florida offers over thirty different types of licenses and permits that relate to the sale of alcohol. While the state’s licensing board can authorize an almost unlimited amount of liquor licenses for the sale of wine and beer; there are but a limited amount of the licenses that can actually be...
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About Various Liquor Licenses
Some commonly used liquor license types include: beer & wine, restaurant, retail, package and other eating places. Some classes may be titled differently depending on the area in which you are located. This is a liquor license that allows for the serving of only beer and wine, but not to sell any liquor or distilled spirits. Sometimes a state or city will authorize a beer...
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